среда, 9 сентября 2015 г.

Hello. I think a first post in blog most be about me. Way I  became a clay work artist.
My name is Ashot, I’m 32 years old. I live in Yerevan, Armenia. My father was a famous national potter; he had got Master’s degree in our country by his unique way of thinking. He had a specific style and had no analogues in compositions he had made, his name was Tatul Mkrtchyan. He began to teach me when I was a little boy. But unfortunately he was died at 1997.After that, I decided to continue his work.
I am working with clay 17 years, and want to introduce you my compositions. I would like to mention, that I work only by hand, without using any template as it was my father's rule. As I am a newcomer in blog site, it is very interesting and important for me to know your opinions about my handmade compositions. A Blog is giving an opportunity to introduce my works to all over the world and especially to artists and the art appraiser people.
All my works are made of clay. When they are prepared I am glazing them. Some compositions have Armenian coloring and historical ornaments. I would like my artworks make your life colorful and enjoyable.

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